Plan the office of the future together. At the FLOW Workshop.

Is your office strong enough for the future?

Find out at the FLOW Workshop, worth CHF 2,500, which Lista Office LO and selected retailers is offering to you. Using a three-dimensional zone model, our experts work with you to visualise your office and daily workflows. Fast and systematic, but also fun – using animal figures and model furniture. You will learn practical ways (which can be implemented immediately) to tailor your working environment even better to your employees’ tasks and needs. For a strong futureproof office.


A valuable workshop

Yes, I want to make my office stronger.

How strong offices are created.

Find inspiration in these images from the Lista Office LO FLOW Workshop. And what does your strong office look like?

Goal by goal, step by step.

Our short explanatory video shows how Lista Office LO can take your company office into the future in a systematic way.

A workshop that’s fun but useful.

Great fun, but also systematic and with tangible results: at the FLOW Workshop, you use animal figures and model furniture to design your strong futureproof office.

Which personality types can be found in your office?

Life in the office is as varied as the people who work there. Which of the following personality types do you recognise?

The reliable one

Any task they take on is as good as done. They’re always punctual, precise and conscientious. You can rely on them, because their whole life is dedicated to being organised.

The shy one

It’s only at first glance that they seem unsociable. They love talking to people who think like them, but they need somewhere they can escape to so they can work in peace and quiet.

The good-natured one

Helps to build a strong team culture and cultivates strong bonds with everyone. Stays calm even when things are extremely hectic. Values a friendly environment.

The dedicated one

Identifies completely with their work. But expects high standards of ergonomics, design and functionality in their workplace.

The livewire

Things will slide if you stand still. So the livewire is always on their feet. Here a meeting, there an informal update. Loves quick, smooth processes and logical workflows.

The not-a-morning-person

Actually very agreeable – but only after 10 a.m. Needs an office with a cheerful vibe and a coffee machine nearby.

The strategist

Always thinks before acting. So they never miss an appointment or deadline. They need a working environment that is as structured as their planning.

The relaxed one

Is calm itself. They’re never overhasty and always pace themselves. They need a working environment where they feel completely at ease.

The communicator

Knows everything – and if they don’t know something, they know how to find it out. The communicator values an open environment that accommodates their open approach.

The strong leader

Always takes the lead. Has important things to say and doesn’t shy away from conflict. But also knows how (and where) to make themselves heard without disturbing the group.

The freedom lover

Hates rigid processes and routines. Prefers to be able to choose the ideal place for a given task rather than being tied down. Because nothing’s set in stone.

The multitasker

This versatile organiser has everything under control. They need an adaptable organisational system that allows them to keep track of everything at a glance.

The motivator

Confidently persuades other people. Always presents themselves and their ideas in the best light. Needs a stage that allows them to play to their strengths.

The wild revolutionary

If something’s always been done a certain way, the revolutionary sees that as a challenge, not an immutable fact. Needs a flexible environment that changes with them.

The cool thinker

Is strongest when they can concentrate on their work. Needs a working environment without distractions. Loves it when the lighting and climate control are adjusted to just the right level.